Enjoy these new uploads on BLMF On Demand: www.blmfondemand.com

Every week, we work hard to record and release new classes, songs and video snippets for your family to enjoy! Discover below our latest additions to BLMF On Demand.
You can find all these videos in “Songs and Snippets” within the Videos On Demand page. These activities are designed for you to do with your children. Enjoy!

Frog Echo Song

It’s pitch training time with this cute song about Daddy, Mummy and Baby frogs!
The song comes from Julie Wylie Music in New Zealand and with her permission we use a few of her songs in our program. In this episode Mel shows you how to sing the ‘Frog Echo Song’ and play it on chime bars. She also uses some divine wooden frog guiros purchased in a Penang night market years ago. When played, these guiro instruments make a great frog sound.
This song is an echo song so you can learn to sing it by listening to Mel and singing along with the echo. Echo songs are a wonderful framework for teaching your little one (and you) to sing.

Frog Echo Song

The Nut Tree

Props like pom poms or leaves definitely make this song more fun and you can teach your child self regulation by following Mel’s direction and waiting before throwing the nuts in time with the music:

We’re going to use our bodies to be a tiny nut growing into a big tree, while singing this song ‘The Nut Tree’ by Julia Donaldson.
Your preschooler can learn to combine singing and movement with fun motor development skills required to hold the pom poms, scatter them around and then pick them up and start again. Mel’s beautiful rendition of this Julia Donaldson song is highlighted against the beautiful green screen tree growing images. These background stimuli help your preschooler learn about the cycle of the nut to tree, back to nut again. Once you’ve learnt the song take the fun outside and use real leaves and nuts you find in the park!

The Nut Tree

Ten Mins of Music with Soft Toys

10 minutes of fun music that works with your soft toys! This is episode was recorded from an interactive LIVE STREAM session where parents shared their kids favourite animal toys that they had nearby to use in the songs! Enjoy learning about different animals, what they like to do and what sounds they make to the tune of “Rockabye Baby” with an activity we call, ‘Rockabye Toys.’
Then grab all your soft toys and play ‘Ring a Round a Rosie’ and make all the toys fall down. If you have an elephant toy, the final song is a rhyming song favourite, ‘Willoughby Wallaby Woo’ – a great arrangement for bouncing and guessing the rhyme that goes with your name.

Ten Mins of Music with Soft Toys


So many great additions this week, as well as many more on www.blmfondemand.com.
Visit today and enjoy these activities for yourself!


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