Melanie Maslin is a BBB Educator and she loves how the latest neuro-musical research proves music learning grows bigger, better, brains.
and we’ve got the Neuromusical science to explain how….

At Baby Love Music Fun we are committed to always improving how we use music to grow your child musically, socially and developmentally.
So when the opportunity arose to study the latest findings in neuromusical research with Dr Anita Collins (ABC – Don’t Stop the Music, Ted-ed Talk) for a 2 day course and become an accredited Bigger, Better, Brains Educator – Mel jumped at it.
Day 1 we studied the science of music and cognitive development and in particular we examined closely the research that now connects music learning with the 3 big areas of brain development: language development, executive function and social skills and wellbeing.
Day 2 was all about how we can apply this knowledge. We really examined how human brain development and music learning complement each other – in every aspect of a human brain chronology tree. This process was really great as we used the power of group think to answer the question of when and how music learning develops specific skills and processes during a child’s chronological development from 0-16 years. As a teacher of early childhood development it is powerful to see where the teaching you begin in 0-5 years continues and leads too.
Following this we were then shown how we can use music as a diagnostic and teaching tool for brain development and we were encouraged to formulate goals and plans for how to use this in our teaching and advocacy efforts.
Some of our BIG ideas are all about you – our members and how to help you get the most out of our music classes with your child.
Like a new weekly focus point to help simplify and use in our daily teaching. For example, last week in classes we shared just one significant neuromusical research link with all classes, that kids who can keep a steady beat and be in-sync with the beat will be better at reading. Sharing this information helped all the parents in those classes immediately understand what is so important about keeping the beat (this is just 1 benefit). As a teacher I watched with joy as those parents then actively helped their children in those classes to find and keep the beat with purpose. The result was incredible music classes where little children under 5 were completely engaged and really achieving great results in keeping the beat. So this is an example of how we want to use this information.

Another new idea we have already started is our new memories of music class area in the Member Forum. This will be easy to read stories that teach can help you understand the neuromusical applications we are using and how you can use them at home. Dr Anita Collins is great at sharing stories that help you understand the power of music learning. We really want to encourage our Alumni and members to share their own stories of music class here and perhaps it can help others realise what you already know – that music learning is really something that every child needs to have.
Our biggest boldest idea involves a longitudinal cross-cultural research project to measure the effects of attending weekly music in our program. We’ll be starting with a questionnaire going out to all old members to capture data on reading scores and if still playing an instrument.
Please ensure you are signed up for our member forum to help us keep you informed and please join in the conversation and help us know what you need to know. Look out for neuromusical facts coming at you each week in class and don’t be afraid to ask us about music and your brain – we find it very exciting.